Pulaski County Marketing

Kelvin Medlock was recognized for his years of service, after working more than three decades in the general services department. 


As the Communications Writer at Pulaski County Government, I interviewed department heads, and collaborated with department leaders to publish and email monthly newsletters covering county services, health/wellness, and county updates for employees and residents.
I also organized our content calendar for social media, and collaborated with team to create content for LinkedIn, X
(formally Twitter), and Instagram, increasing social media engagements.

Pulaski County celebrates employee's 35 years of service

At the Pulaski County annual employee appreciation luncheon, Kelvin Medlock was recognized for his years of service, after working more than three decades in the general services department.


News updated graphic

I created this unique yet easy to recognize graphic to be used for social media, web stories, and occasionally press releases.

Social Media Marketing

Posted stories on social media, organized content calendar for social media, and collaborated with team to create content for LinkedIn, X (formally Twitter), and Instagram, increasing social media engagements.

Social Media Marketing Report
